Home Assessment & Modification

Home Assessment & Modification

 Please contact one of our experienced team members today and take advantage

of our no charge home assessment and remain in the home you love.

Living Room

Unwind with Style and Security

The living room is the centre of your home, make the most of it by ensuring it's a safe living space. Furniture risers, support rails, and lift chairs help by allowing you to go from a sit-to-stand position with ease and confidence. Choose from a wide selection that can complement any home.



Effective Sleep Solutions

We can help you take the proper steps to ensure a good night's sleep. Adjustable beds and support rails make bedroom navigation safe and easy throughout the night. Pair it with a cervical support pillow or bed wedge to ensure an even more peaceful rest.



Prevent Slips and Falls

Bathrooms pose many potential safety issues and are considered to be a high fall-risk area due to slippery surfaces. We can help you select supportive products like bath chairs, tub rails, grab bars, and raised toilet seats so you move around confidently while maintaining your independence. Walk-in showers and tubs can also help revolutionize your bathroom for a more premium experience.



Achieve New Heights with Ease

For people with limited mobility, climbing stairs can seem like a daunting task. Stairlifts can help you navigate freely throughout your home in a safe way. With various options and styles to choose from, getting a stairlift that fits your home and needs has never been easier. Call to book an assessment today.



Safe Accessibility

Do you use a walker, wheelchair, scooter, or powerchair? Ramps can help you achieve easy and safe access to your home or vehicle. Learn how our versatile options allow you to enter and leave with confidence.


Mobility Aids

Stay on the Go

Having the freedom of being mobile both indoors and outdoors is a key component to aging in place. Walkers, wheelchairs, scooters, and power chairs help you maintain your independence and mobility. Let us help you determine the best mobility aid so you can reach your destination with ease.


Aids for Daily Living

Great Tools for Daily Assistance

Sometimes even the simplest tasks can seem intimidating. We can recommend special tools for eating, cooking, reaching, seeing, and grooming so you can independently complete your daily activities.


Why choose TLC Medical Supply?

  • Two convenient locations to serve you
  • A largest selection of prducts
  • One-stop-shop for products and service
  • Experienced consultants in all categories
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